12 Upbeat Ellen DeGeneres Quotes to Put You in a Good Mood

Whether you want a good laugh or you’re looking for inspiration, there’s no one better to turn to than TV personality, comedian and best-selling author Ellen DeGeneres. While the pop-culture icon has made her way onto everyone’s television set at one point or another, she’s also used her upbeat and out-there personality to help others — whether it be launching the career of a young artist or raising awareness for an important social cause.

And if there’s one thing DeGeneres is known for, it’s being true to herself and not letting others get in her way. While her career launched in the late 90s when she starred in her own sitcom, Ellen, it was also during that time that Degeneres publicly came out on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Despite what anyone said about her, DeGeneres ignored any naysayers and went on to have an extremely successful career. By 2003, the popular Ellen Degeneres Show began, and today she’s won a number of awards, including 30 Emmys, 20 People’s Choice Awards and even the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama.

From the importance of positivity to living in the moment — check out these Ellen DeGeneres quotes.

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