7 ‘micro-habits’ that will make you better with money

micro habitsDaily habits lay the foundation for short-and-long-term success with our health, wealth, and happiness, so it’s critical to carefully examine our repetitive behaviors and thought patterns. They’re either moving you closer to your goals or further away from them.

Breaking old habits and forming new, beneficial ones isn’t easy. But one way to create more financial success is to begin layering simple micro habits into your routine that require minimal effort and motivation to complete.

You already have many tiny daily habits, such as brushing your teeth or taking vitamins. Any small step that allows you to stop a negative habit or start a positive one is a micro habit.


They take up little time, but can build up to huge, significant results when you make them part of your routine. Click the link below to read more 7 micro habits that create financial success http://www.businessinsider.com/micro-habits-that-will-make-you-better-with-money-2018-4?IR=T