Don’t just blindly work for a salary. Realize what you could do better at. And make it happen.

unclaimed money australiaPeople say your best ideas come when you least expect it. When you don’t squeeze your brain to think.

And they’re right. It does.

Nick Woodman invented GoPro after he went surfing and realized he couldn’t take pictures of himself.

J.K. Rowling got the idea of Harry Potter as she sat on a 4-hour delayed train from Manchester to London.

Focus on work and build a safety cushion against a crummy life. BUT whenever your mind is not “at work”, think about your current situation and how you can improve it. Or how you can make an impact in this world.

Because when you do, you bump up your chances of creating something that could be the next revolution. Something people might absolutely love that nobody has thought of, or managed to push out in public. Something that could make you insanely famous.

You could be the first. Click to read more