Finding Money in Graves.; DELVING AMONG DEAD MEN’S BONES.

money in graveFrom the St. Louis Democrat.

For several days past workmen have been engaged in removing the bones from the old city graveyard, and transferring them to their new resting-place. The cemetery is about seventeen acres in extent, and is well filled with graves. The removal of these remains is a laborious task, and will require several weeks and a considerable number of laborers. The cemetery has not been used for several years, and the graves are nearly all old, and but few coffins remain.


The graveyard was extensively used in the Spring and Summer of 1840, when the cholera raged in that city, and six thousand persons were stricken down by the pestilence.

We understand that in digging up some of these old graves the laborers have found money enough to make the work interesting; not such valuable treasures as were discovered in the graves at Chiriqui, but still enough to excite their cupidity. In one grave the sum of $500 in French gold was dug up; it appeared to have been sewed up in the collar of the owner’s coat, who doubtless had died of cholera, and had been buried without being undressed. In another grave $150 was unearthed, and $129 in another. Large sums may be found, and the laborers are on the qui vive for the precious metal. Greenbacks were unknown in those cholera times, and gold and silver were more plentiful than at present.

Among the graven dug was that of Mrs. SHEA, an Irish actress, who was killed ten years ago on the stage of the St. Louis Theatre by the falling of a weight from one of the beams supporting the scenery. The play was “Jack Sheppard,” BEN DE BAR was playing Blueskin, and Mrs. SHEA was acting the part of Mrs. Sheppard. The weight fell upon her head, fracturing her skull, and killing her instantly. She was buried in a metallic coffin, with a glass face, and was interred in her stage costume, with her bracelets, breastpin, &c., on her person. On opening the grave the remains of Mrs. SHEA were found in a good state of preservation. The workmen examined the bracelets through the glass, but did not open the coffin, although it was reported among them that the jewelry was worth over $5,000. The fact is, however, that it is only stage jewelry, and not worth over $10. Mrs. SHEA’s relatives are all in Europe, and her remains have never been sent for, and probably never will.

Credits: The New York Times Company