Six Apps To Help You De-Stress

Help You De-StressThese expert-recommended apps will help you keep your cool in every situation.

Even if you love your job and mostly look forward to heading into the office each morning, it’s impossible to avoid all work stress.

Whether it’s a demanding quarter, an overbearing boss, or your social life ripping at the seams, maintaining your cool is among one of the most underrated soft skills.

While your go-to spin class might serve as your therapist, studies have proven that technology can offer a multitude of calming and grounding benefits. Among the most recommended are wellness-training apps that do more than capitalize on your zen, but also help you identify triggers and patterns.

As psychologist Antonia Hall explains, “Most wellness apps offer exercises and skills for stress and anxiety reduction, such as deep breathing exercise and mindfulness techniques. The better apps are designed using scientifically proven psychology-based practices and have a support network users can tap into.”

Here are six expert-recommended apps to open up when you feel like you might lose it.